Privacy Information

Data Protection (GDPR) Policy


The General Data Protection Regulations require us to let you all aspects of what we do with your data and this is explained below:

Your data is held under GDPR “Contract” status.

(Volunteers have entered into an informal contract with us.)

What Information do we collect from you?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Numbers
  • E-mail address

Where applicable

  • Availability Information
  • Emergency Contact details
  • Driver’s confirmation of Insurance, MOT, vehicle and driver suitability

Why do we collect it?

  • So that we can contact you appropriately, to pass relevant information about Centre and to plan your activities and where applicable your attendance with us.

Who might we share it with?

  • No one other than Benson Millstream Centre staff and Trustees, medical authorities if necessary following government guidance, and Devon County Council who carry out our DBS checks.

What do we do with it?

  • Keep paper records and spreadsheets, all appropriately secured, to enable efficient contact with you.

Where is it held?

  • Paper records in the Centre office, computer files on local computers, backed up in OneDrive Cloud servers.

How is it kept secure?

  • Paper records are kept in a filing cabinet in the Centre office, which is locked when not in use.  Electronic files are password-protected and held on password-protected computers in the office and in the ownership of several Trustees, our manager, and key volunteers.  Backed up files (also password-protected) held on OneDrive can only be accessed by the Manager and approved Trustees.

How long do we keep hold of it?

  • For three years after you no longer volunteer with us.

How can I access the information held about me?

  • Contact the Centre Manager who will refer the request to the Data Co-ordinator (currently Rob Wadley) who will supply the data in a timely manner within 30 days.

Millstream Day Centre 400 Club members Privacy Notice

Data is held under GDPR “Legitimate Interest” status.

What Information do we collect from you?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Ticket number(s)
  • Year of Joining
  • Sometimes notes to help our collectors make contact and find your house.

Why do we collect it?

So that we can identify and contact you appropriately to give out prizes and to sell tickets for the next year

Who might we share it with?

No one outside the draw promoter (currently Rob Wadley) and the nominated collectors for the various areas

What do we do with it?

Keep paper records and spreadsheets, all appropriately secured.

To enable automatic organisation of ticket sales by household and location, producing reports for collectors

To produce reports and lists to identify the active number in any draw and to contact winners.

Where is it held?

Paper records, in promoter’s office and during sales periods by the 400 Club collectors.  Computer records on the promoter’s computer and backed up in Microsoft One Drive Cloud servers.

How is it kept secure?

Paper records are kept in a locked filing cabinet and securely by collectors for ticket sales.

Electronic files are password protected and held on a password protected computer.

Backed up files (also password protected) held on Dropbox can only be accessed by the promoter.

How long do we keep hold of it?

For 3 years after you no longer buy tickets.

How can I access the information you hold about me?

Contact the promoter (currently Rob Wadley 07432 118894) who will supply the data in a timely manner.