Get in touch

If you have a question, need some help or need to chat, or simply want to book the facility then please get in touch via e-mail, telephone or by filling in our enquiry form. We are always happy to help in any way we can. If we aren’t available immediately, someone will be back to you soon.


Benson Millstream Centre, Mill Lane, Benson, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 6RL


For all daily enquiries call: 01491 834 889

For emergencies call Lindsay on Mobile: 07737 853433

Enquiry Form

Got a question, need some help or want to get involved? Fill out the contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

    Before providing your information, please take the time to read our Privacy Policy to understand how we use your data and your rights in respect of our processing activities.

    We are a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation no. 1163000.

    Registered as Millstream Day Centre, trading as Benson Millstream Centre.