Geraldine Gault

A bit about me…. the boring stuff

I have a BA Hons in English Literature and Socioeconomic history, gained as a mature student. My career has been varied but the common themes are communication and performance improvement. I retired fully in 2013 and since then have carried various voluntary roles, including working for five years with Thames Valley Police. 


Key skills

Communication in all forms: Until recently I wrote the content for the Centre’s monthly page in the Benson Bulletin and I set up our original Facebook page. I wrote most of our processes & procedures, instigated the original customer surveys, and took the lead in staff recruitment.


More about me …the Important Stuff 

My husband and I moved to Benson in 2005. We travelled to many parts of the world when we were younger but now enjoy exploring the UK. My hobby is making cards, with my daughter, which we give to the Centre to sell in order to raise funds. I also enjoy reading, gardening, and Pilates.


At Millstream

I originally became involved with the Centre in 2006, volunteering in the kitchen on Friday mornings. After becoming a Trustee in 2014, I became heavily involved, with my then fellow Trustees, in driving the future of the Centre in line with our goal of continuous improvement. In the last two years I have been less involved due to family illness but continue to offer support to our Chair of Trustees, Rob Wadley.